Merchant Navy Courses
Merchant Navy After 10th
GP Rating
GP Rating means General purpose Rating. GP Rating candidates are those who have been trained in both Deck and Engine Room tasks. Such ratings may be employed either in deck department or Engine department according to the needs of the company.They perform tasks related to Seamanship
NCV Deck Cadet
This is six months residential course approved by D.G Shipping (Govt of India). The syllabus includes Deck Operations for Dredgers, Tugs and OSVs. After the training, internal examinations is conducted by the institute. Students who successfully pass the examination are issued INDIAN CDC
Saloon Rating
Merchant Navy offers GP Rating and Saloon Ratings course for 10th pass students. So, it is ideally suited if one has made up his mind early in life that this is the career path one is going to follow. Both Maritime Courses brings you on board as Ordinary Seamen/Saloon ratings.
Merchant Navy After 12th
The one Year DNS Course is a course leading to B.Sc.(Applied Nautical Science) after 18 months of sea service & also leading to 2nd Mate Foreign going Certificate of competency awarded by the Ministry of Shipping, Govt. of India, enabling the cadets to become officers on board
B.Sc Nautical Science
Three year B.Sc. Nautical Science course is approved by the Directorate General of Shipping, Ministry of Shipping (Govt. of India). It is a course leading to Second Mate's Foreign-Going Certificate of Competency awarded by the D.G. Shipping after 12 months of Sea Service
Marine Engineering
B.Tech (Marine Engineering) course is a course leading to Class IV Marine Engineer Officer Certificate of competency, awarded by the ministry of shipping(Government of India), after six months of sea service, enabling the cadets to become Marine Engineers on board Merchant Navy ships anywhere in the world.
Maritime Science
B.Sc Maritime Science course is approved by the Directorate General of Shipping, Ministry of Shipping (Government of India).It is a 3-year residential course. 3-year polyvalent (Dual Certification) course leading to B.Sc Maritime Science is a new concept of training with a view to producing a maritime officer having combined knowledge of both the branches of Nautical and Marine Engineering.
Naval Architecture
Naval architecture also known as naval engineering , is an engineering discipline dealing with the engineering design process, shipbuilding, maintenance, and operation of marine vessels and structures. Naval architecture involves basic and applied research, design, development, design evaluation and calculations during all stages of the life of a marine vehicle.
Ship Building & Repair
Ship Building is a combination of art and science. But there are number of important factors to be considered in ship building. Therefore, the curriculum includes types of ships, materials, welding and cutting, ship structure, outfitting, design(concept, preliminary, contract),dimensions, displacement, stability, propulsive characteristics
Merchant Navy after Diploma
DME Course
This is a two year Pre-sea training course for Diploma Holders (DME) leading to Class IV Marine Engineer Officer Certificate of competency, awarded by the Directorate General of Shipping (Government of India), after six months of sea service, enabling the cadets to become Marine Engineers on board Merchant Naval ships anywhere in the world. This course is strictly residential.
Merchant Navy After Graduation
GME Course
Graduate Marine Engineering (GME) Course is a one year Pre sea Training course for Graduates those who have completed BE /B Tech in Mechanical Engineering or Naval Architecture. GME is a course leading to Class IV Marine Engineer Officer Certificate of competency, awarded by the Ministry of shipping
ETO Course
Electro Technical Officer (ETO) Course is a Four months Pre sea Training course for Graduates those who have completed Diploma or B.Tech in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication/ Communication Engineering or Electronics
MBA Programmes
IMU Currently offers MBA programmes under School of Maritime Management.The School of Maritime Management offers the following 2 programmes.Two-year full-time MBA programme in Port & Shipping Management.Two-year full-time MBA programme in International Transportation & Logistics Management.
M.Tech Programmes
M.TECH Programmes: IMU offers M.Tech programmes under the School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering.This offers two PG programmes: M.Tech in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. M.Tech in Dredging and Harbour Engineering. The School has carved a niche for itself by offering high quality- industry perspective based programmes which are only offered by very few institutions.
PGDME (Post Graduate Diploma in Marine Engineering)-Indian Maritime University, Mumbai & Kochi Campus conducts one year pre-sea training course for graduates in Mechanical Engineering or Naval Architecture at MERI.MERI, formerly known as DMET is a world class institute, in the business of producing finest of Marine Engineers for the last 6 decades.This Course is Similar to GME Course.